What’s all this about a strike?
Some of you have probably heard that the PTF (part-time faculty) union, ACT-UAW Local 7902, is in negotiations with the New School management about our contract—and may be going on strike. We are both in this union! So things might get tricky, around here.
If folks would like more information about the possibility of a strike (and what that might actually look like), there is a Strike School for Students this Thursday, November 10, 3–4:30pm in the Eugene Lang Courtyard. We are told there will be bagels!
We’ll be getting more info later today. Here’s the info flier you might have seen around campus.
Sketch review
We will start off today by looking at your Project 3: Binding sketches from last
Group 1: Bobby, Azra, Kinjal, Keren
Group 2: Lucine, Dusha, Dayna, Caroline
Group 3: Mariia, Vidushi, Sarah, Sandra
Group 4: Amaya, Jocelyn, Ina, Shanshan
Group 5: Kendall, Sanjana, Hamza, Myriam
Group 6: Andre, Tanvi, Vasu, Chi
Group 7: Fahila, Sushanto, Madhura, Abhishek
Group 8: Dhruv, Giselle, Shivi
Present your work to each other, as we have before—using Slack to share your Figma links. You will have about 40 minutes with just your group, and each group will have about 10 minutes with us.
Introduce your classmates to your readings, discuss your design directions, and take their input/feedback. When we come to your group, you shouldn’t all just be sitting there doing your own thing! Use this time. We’ll have 3 minutes or so with each of you, as we roam around.
We’ll give ourselves until about 10:15ish.
We’ll take our break here, after we’ve gotten around to everyone.
Connecting the dots
In lieu of additional new content today, we want to refocus with a longer demo session—going through some of the particulars of putting multiple pages together into a website. Here is our agenda:
Make a new repo,
, on GitHub- While we’re here, what is a
? - How about
- While we’re here, what is a
Pull down and create an
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Binding</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link href="https://typography-interaction.github.io/assets/styles/reset.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="common.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <header> <h1>Binding</h1> <p>Michael Fehrenbach and Eric Li</p> </header> <main> <p>Critical engagement synecdoche morphology cognizance profound intuition semiotics spectral communities of reception. Experimental geography neuroaesthetics phenomenological experience oscillate ephemeral aesthetic inquiry individualism. Specialized cognitive dissonance liminality denotation conversely critical engagement fractured identity DNA mundane domestic objects. Art object obsolescence fluidity dialogical relationship post-industrial technological emergence interface spectral. Historical-ontological symbolic paradigms post-structuralist physical dissonance ubiquity material culture Danto synecdoche oeuvre.</p> <p>Psychical condition luminary aporia curatorial bias dialogical relationship post-feminist theoretical discourse individualism. Dialectic oscillate meaning-making emerging technologies juxtaposition synesthetic paradoxical conceptual structures Horkheimer. Luminary interpretative post-colonial emotional resonance discourse modernity codify White Cube semiotics. Crises of representation art object in-itself uncanny synecdoche palimpsest liminal space interface phenomenal art. Transitory interpretative phenomenological experience doppelganger art object implicit ethnographies propagated urbane.</p> <p>Inherently subversive critical engagement intermediation historical-ontological emotional resonance feminist discourse collective memory visual narrative textual. Dialectic technological emergence synesthetic subtext elegiacal individualism codify propagated intersex. Hegemonic fractal experiential aesthetics simulacrum ubiquity mimesis critical engagement. Aporia pastoral synecdoche haunted space Barthes visual narrative conversely. Barthes indeterminancy oscillate White Cube psychical condition critical theory non-verbal space ubiquity visceral.</p> <p>Reclaimed histories Wunderkammer profound intuition semiotics of the object cosmologic collapsing boundaries Clement Greenberg intersex. Trans-local collective alternate realities phenomenological experience hegemonic thematic hybridity visual text. Trans-local collective aporia meaning-making transmogrification cognitive dissonance Realism gender performativity Pseudorealism. Aberration prosaic museological systemic cosmologic conversely disparity Symbolist cultural symbolism. Adorno sublime interdisciplinarian recombinant uncanny hermeneutic fluidity indeterminate space Self.</p> <p>Kant Jean-François Lyotard pastoral temporal/spatial dynamics Derrida post-industrial Wunderkammer reclaimed identity. Visual text communities of practice trans-local collective propagated lived experience oscillate ephemeral intertextual. Conversely subjectivism hegemonic intrinsic value relational aesthetics Jean-François Lyotard lived experience metaphysics. Other subjectivity of experience alternate realities palimpsest Hegel transitory stimulus.</p> <p>Ascetic inherently subversive non-linear gesamkunstwerk ritualized behaviour ecology time-based media. Causality material culture cybernetic permissive post-feminist individualism ascetic. DNA dialogical relationship instantaneous temporality disparity lived experience dichotomy dualism. Thematic disseminate dichotomy dialectic archetype fractured identity post-human. Phantasmagoric mediating filters transhumanist systems of representation collective memory John Ruskin dualism hegemonic.</p> </main> <footer> <p>Typography and Interaction, Fall 2022</p> </footer> </body> </html>
- Create a
(in anassets
folder) - Pull in the reset, locally (self-contained)
- Rough out some shared variables/styles
- Create a
Create three folders/index pages for entries (vs. sibling HTML files)
- Link to page-specific CSS files, lower (relative vs. absolute paths)
- Make
with links to the entries, on the landing page - Add a shared navigation (back, previous, next) on the entries
- Edit the navigation, updating per-page instances
For next week
Consolidate and decide on your design direction from today, incorporating the feedback from your peers and from us.
You’ll be using this direction to complete the next phase for your projects, moving into code. Begin with semantic DOM and then mobile/desktop styles for your landing page and a text entry:
We will review these together again, next week!