Week 11

November 9

Marcel Broodthaers. Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard (A throw of the dice will never abolish chance). 1969.

Whats all this about a strike?

Some of you have probably heard that the PTF (part-time faculty) union, ACT-UAW Local 7902, is in negotiations with the New School management about our contract—and may be going on strike. We are both in this union! So things might get tricky, around here.

If folks would like more information about the possibility of a strike (and what that might actually look like), there is a Strike School for Students this Thursday, November 10, 3–4:30pm in the Eugene Lang Courtyard. We are told there will be bagels!

We’ll be getting more info later today. Here’s the info flier you might have seen around campus.

Sketch review

We will start off today by looking at your Project 3: Binding sketches from last week—breaking up into smaller groups again. Find your group below and distribute yourselves around the auditorium:

Present your work to each other, as we have before—using Slack to share your Figma links. You will have about 40 minutes with just your group, and each group will have about 10 minutes with us.

Introduce your classmates to your readings, discuss your design directions, and take their input/feedback. When we come to your group, you shouldn’t all just be sitting there doing your own thing! Use this time. We’ll have 3 minutes or so with each of you, as we roam around.

We’ll give ourselves until about 10:15ish.

We’ll take our break here, after we’ve gotten around to everyone.

Connecting the dots

In lieu of additional new content today, we want to refocus with a longer demo session—going through some of the particulars of putting multiple pages together into a website. Here is our agenda:

For next week

Session recording