Week 2

September 7

Shannon Ebner. ETC. 2010.

Reading discussion

We’ll discuss our two readings from last week, to help set the tone for our first unit.

Further reading

Throughout this first unit, you are also expected to complete these additional readings at your own pace. (Some are lengthy. Pace yourself.) While we won’t have an in-class discussion, they are to serve as additional reference and fodder for your project and classwork.

Our first project

Let’s discuss the project and its requirements in detail.

We’ll take our break here, again for about ten minutes. Please be back on time!

Getting into typography

We’re going to go through a quick history of typography, and what to look for as you begin to work with type.

An exercise in type hierarchy

We’ll do a quick walkthrough of Figma (you should have already made accounts). We’ll talk about how to set up frames (artboards) and the basics of type. Everybody should join our team:

And then follow along in our design file for today:

Once we’re done, pick one of our past two readings—The Crystal Goblet or A Handmade Web—to create five different type explorations (in your own files, use your first name). Create these in our project (folder) for today:

These explorations should follow the example in our demo—laying out the reading’s title, author, and first paragraph in different visual and hierarchical explorations. You should consider how each visual exploration will be perceived differently and each direction should be distinct from another. (We don’t want to see five different layouts all in Helvetica… unless you could make them very unique within that limitation.) Use only type, color, and spacing to achieve this.

For next week

Session recording